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Midland Local Section Award Recipients

Each year, the Midland Section of the American Chemical Society presents awards to recognize outstanding achievement in the chemical sciences.

Awards:  The Midland Local Section of the American Chemical Society gives these awards
- Outstanding Elementary Level Science Teaching
- Outstanding Middle Level Science Teaching
- Outstanding High School Chemistry Teaching
- Outstanding College Chemistry Teaching
- Science Education Volunteer of the Year
- Outstanding Achievement in the Promotion of Diversity in Chemistry, Related Sciences, and Engineering
- Outstanding Achievement and Promotion of the Chemical Sciences
- Outstanding Service to the American Chemical Society
- Outstanding Chemical Technician
- Team Innovation Award
- Bettye Washington Greene Award


Teachning Awards
Outstanding Elementary Level Science Teaching:

1992  Karen Ziemelis
1993  Lela Wade
1994  Constance A. Dullock
1995  Joan Klopcic
1996  Mark Hackbarth
1997  Denise Koppleberger, Cheryl Ruthig
1998  Barbara McGivern
1999  John Clark
2000  Sue Burtch, Robin Harshman-Rogers,Vicki Richard, Clare Jorgensen
2001  Cathy Egerer, Amy Hindbaugh-Marr
2002  Maureen Becker
2003  Leon Katzinger
2004  Joan Roels
2005  Curt Moses
2006  Robin Allen
2007  Diane Huckins
2008  Rachel Pappas
2009  No Recipient
2010  No Recipient
2011  Beth Quimby
2012  No Recipient
2013  No Recipient
2014  No Recipient
2015  Molly Kelsey
2016  No Recipient
2017  Rebecca Field
2018  Suzanne Billette
2019  Nicole Roberts
2020  Amy Crosby
2021  No Recipient
2022  Lori Hall
2023  Julee Dillon

Outstanding Middle School Level Science Teaching:

1992  Derrell Steffen
1993  Laurie Hepinstall
1994  JoAnn Kraut
1995  No Recipient
1996  Barbara J. Bibbee
1997  Gary J. Johnson
1998  No Recipient
1999  No Recipient
2000  No Recipient
2001  No Recipient
2002  Joel Mikusko
2003  No Recipient
2004  Christine Brillhart
2005  No Recipient
2006  Matthew Miller
2007  John Hoving
2008  Mark Koschmann
2009  Carla Piazza
2010  Melinda Coyle
2011  Jennifer Lenon
2012  Jayme Swanson
2013  John Barnes
2014  No Recipient
2015  Mark Hackbarth
2016  No Recipient
2017  Allison Vandriessche
2018  No Recipient
2019  Darci Merillat
2020  No Recipient
2021  No Recipient
2022  Michael Graves, Megan Konkol, Jennifer Lehman, Victoria McPeak, Rebeccca Stinson
2023  No Recipient

Outstanding High School Level Science Teaching:

1989  Robert Wallace
1990  Gary Ronk
1991  No Recipient
1992  John Clark, Edna Konwinski
1993  Mary Irons
1994  Jo Ann Pelkki
1995  No Recipient
1996  Sandra Schafer
1997  Mary Fredell
1998  Dale Ressler
1999  Robert Enszer
2000  Steven Kelly
2001  William Stokes
2002  Robert Hansen
2003  No Recipient
2004  Doug Grezeszak
2005  Pamela Thompson
2006  Daniel Sealy
2007  No Recipient
2008  No Recipient
2009  Nancy Vossen
2010  Sandra Schafer
2011  David Allan
2012  David Bruessow
2013  Tom Short, Sarah Beery
2014  No Recipient
2015  Jeff Yoder
2016  Lisa Parsons
2017  Kenneth Quackenbush
2018  Jason Brown
2019  Rick Cahoon
2020  No Recipient
2021  No Recipient
2022  Jessica Schwarz
2023  Brian Reinhardt

Outstanding College Chemistry Teaching:

1989  Joan Sabourin
1990  Bob Howell
1991  Robert Kohrman
1992  Scott Hill
1993  Ajit Sharma
1994  Laura Vosejpka
1995  George Eastland
1996  Martin Spartz
1997  Philip Squattrito
1998  Thomas Delia
1999  Steven E. Keinath
2000  James Hutchison
2001  Sandra Smith
2002  Margaret Hill
2003  Dale Meier
2004  Katherine Blystone
2005  Ronald Sharp
2006  Arthur G. Smith
2007  Cynthia N. Peck
2008  No Recipient
2009  No Recipient
2010  Anton Jenson
2011  No Recipient
2012  David S. Karpovich
2013  No Recipient
2014  David Baker
2015  Estelle Lebeau
2016  Angela McGuirk
2017  Joel & Nancy Dopke
2018  No Recipient
2019  Jeffery A. Turk
2020  Choon Young Lee
2021  Janice Hall Tomasik
2022  Tami Sivy
2023  No Recipient

Science Education Volunteer of the Year:

1992  Gregg Young
1993  Peter Bonk
1994  Peter Moehs
1995  Gretchen Kohl
1996  John Blizzard, Richard Van Effen
1997  Marvin Tegen
1998  Carlton Beyer
1999  William Albe
2000  Karol Childs
2001  Donald Petersen
2002  Joan McMahon
2003  John Blizzard
2004  Jan Zanyk
2005  Eldon Graham
2006  Tom Chamberlin
2007  Teri Bickmore, Cal Goeders
2008  Tim Drier
2009  Dave Stickles
2010  Lisa Thackery
2011  Charles & Barbara Roth
2012  Estelle Lebeau
2013  No Recipient
2014  Charles Nielsen
2015  Gina Malczewski
2016  Dennis Klipa
2017  Nalayini Kogulan
2018  Wendell Dilling
2019  Jennifer Reil
2020  Michelle Rivard
2021  Brett Zimmerman
2022  Dale LeCaptain
2023  Diana Deese

Outstanding Achievement in the Promotion of Diversity in Chemistry, Related Sciences, and Engineering:

2002  George Gant, Richard Stringfield
2004  Smallwood Holoman, Jr.
2006  Joan Sabourin
2008  Sandra Parker
2010  Theophilus Leapheart
2012  Linneaus Dorman
2014  Victor Atiemo-Obeng
2016  Roland Wallace
2019  Karen Carter (CERM Award)
2020  Anja Mueller
2022  Alyssa Fielitz
2023  Anne-Catherine Bedard

Outstanding Achievement and Promotion of the Chemical Sciences:

1976  Dr. Turner Alfrey, Jr.
1977  Dr. Etcyl H. Blair
1978  Dr. David C. Young
1979  Dr. Vernon A. Stenger
1980  Dr. Daniel R. Stull
1981  Dr. Bob A. Howell
1982  Dr. Wendell L. Dilling
1983  Dr. Donald R. Weyenberg
1984  Dr. Edwin P. Plueddemann
1985  Dr. Raymond P. Boyer
1986  Stanley P. Klesney
1987  Dr. Warren B. Crummett
1988  Dr. A. Lee Smith
1989  Dr. Do Ik Lee
1990  Dr. Joseph E. Dunbar
1991  Dr. Thomas H. Lane
1992  Dr. Donald A. Tomalia
1993  Dr. Dale J. Meier
1994  Dr. Philip T. Delassus
1995  Dr. Duane B. Priddy
1996  Dr. Hans G. Elias
1997  Dr. Ludo K. Frevel
1998  Dr. Patrick B. Smith
1999  Dr. David E. Henton
2000  Dr. Steven J. Martin
2001  Dr. Edwin C. Steiner
2002  Dr. Thomas J. Delia
2003  Dr. Robert M. Nowak
2004  Herbert D. (Ted) Doan
2005  Dr. Michael J. Owen
2006  Dr. Robert E. Kohrman
2007  Dr. Petar R. Dvornic
2008  Dr. Jack Kruper
2009  No Recipient
2010  No Recipient
2011  Dr. James Falender
2012  No Recipient
2013  No Recipient
2014  No Recipient
2015  Dr. James Tonge
2016  Dr. Ronda L. Grosse
2017  Dr. Mike Ferritto
2018  No Recipient
2019  Dr. Jerzy Klosin
2020  Dr. Chris Goralski, Dr. Brad Fahlman
2021  No Recipient
2022  Dr. Richard K. Helling
2023  Dr. Tami Sivy

Outstanding Service to the American Chemical Society:

1989  Dr. David C. Young
1990  Dr. Linneaus C. Dorman
1991  Dr. Donald R. Petersen
1992  Dr. Wendell L. Dilling
1993  Dr. Bob A. Howell
1994  Eldon L. Graham
1995  Gretchen S. Kohl
1996  Fran K. Voci
1997  Dr. Thomas H. Lane
1998  Vicky S. Cobb
1999  Dr. Theodore E. Tabor
2000  Drs. Peter & Patricia Dreyfuss
2001  Dr. George W. Eastland, Jr.
2002  Joan Sabourin
2003  John Blizzard
2004  Dr. Steven E. Keinath
2005  Ann Birch
2006  Dr. Philip Squattrito
2007  David L. Stickles
2008  Connie Murphy
2009  No Recipient
2010  No Recipient
2011  No Recipient
2012  No Recipient
2013  No Recipient
2014  No Recipient
2015  Amy Tesolin-Gee
2016  Dr. Bob A. Howell
2017  Diana Deese
2018  Dr. Regina Malczewski
2019  Dr. Dale LeCaptain
2020  No Recipient
2021  Michelle Cummings
2022  Michelle Rivard
2023  Vickie Langer

Outstanding Chemical Technician:

1997  Connie J. Murphy
1998  David Stickles
1999  Ronald L. Good
2000  Kurt A. Bell
2001  Gordon R. Roof
2002  Cynthia J. Gould
2003  Robert Krystosek
2004  Sherry Allen
2005  Bill Rievert
2006  Margo McIvor
2007  Debbie Bailey
2008  Sue Perz
2009  Diana Deese
2010  No Recipient
2011  Amy Tesolin-Gee
2012  Amber Wallace
2013  No Recipient
2014  Jeff Seifferly
2015  Brian Scherzer
2016  Dana Fuerst
2017  Stephanie Hughes
2018  Joseph Harris
2019  Weston Tulloch, Matthew Yonkey
2020  Heidi Clements
2021  Scott Boelter,Nicholas A. Paulik, Matt McLaughlin
2022  Matt Crimmins, Carl Reinhardt, Ben Schaefer, Duane Vance
2023  Denise Anaya

Team Innovation Award:

2020  Dow Consumer Solutions: Hand Sanitizer for COVID-19 Response
2020  Dow Performance Silicones: SILASTICâ„¢ Moldable Optical Silicone
2020  Impact Analytical: Leachable and Extractable Studies
2021  DuPont Nutrition and BioSciences: Increased Capacity for the Growing Meat-Alternative Vegetarian Market
2022  Dow Chemical: RHOBARR 320 Barrier Dispersion
2023  No Recipient

Bettye Washington Greene Award:

2023  Siaka Yusuf