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Outstanding Middle School Level Science Teaching

Each year, the Midland Section of the American Chemical Society presents the Outstanding Middle School Science Teaching award.

Scope:  To recognize an extraordinary middle school level educator within the ACS Midland Section. One candidate will be selected from the submitted nominations based on their teaching contributions/achievements in this category.

Eligibility:  Candidates for the teaching awards must be educators at schools in the five-county geographical area of the Midland Section: Bay, Gratiot, Isabella, Midland, and Saginaw Counties. Candidates are not required to be ACS members.

Nomination Package:  Nomination packets must, at a minimum, consist of a current resume or equivalent, a nominating letter, and at least one supporting letter.  All letters should state why the nominee is deserving of the award with specific examples of professional involvement/growth, contributions to the profession, and outside affiliations. Additional letters of support from students, parents, community members, and/or administrators may be included.

Nominations not meeting the minimum requirements will be rejected.

Judging:  Selected by the Awards Committee.

Deadline: The deadline is extended until March 30. The deadline for nominations is Sunday, March 23, 2025. Submissions received after the March 30 deadline will not be considered. The Midland ACS Local Section reserves the right to extend the nomination window. A notice of extension will be published on the Midland ACS website, midlandacs.org.

Submitting:  Complete nomination packages should be submitted to Wendy Flory or Tami Sivy, Co-chairs, Midland Section ACS Awards Committee, E-mail: wcflory@dow.com or tsivy@svsu.edu or awards@midlandacs.org.

All submissions must be accompanied by the name, position, address, and phone number of the nominator.

Electronic (e-mail) submissions are preferred. Mail or fax submissions are acceptable.