Bettye Washington Greene Award for Outstanding Scientist
This award recognizes a Black scientist and is limited to members of the American Chemical Society and the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers.
Scope: This award recognizes a Black scientist,residing in Midland, Bay, Saginaw, Isabella, or Gratiot County, who has demonstrated outstanding contributions in their technical field in the past 3 years.
Eligibility: Nominees must have made a recent outstanding contribution within the chemical enterprise. This includes those working in industry and academia, those working in chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science and related fields.
Nominees must be an ACS and NOBCChE member. The recipient must reside or work in the Midland Section geographic area, the counties of Midland, Bay, Saginaw, Isabella, and Gratiot.
Nomination Package: Each nomination must be supported by an 800-word letter of nomination, the nominee's CV, and no more than three 400-word letters of recommendation addressing the nominee's accomplishments.
Nominations will be held and reconsidered for three years. Nominations can be resubmitted indefinitely.
Nominations not meeting the minimum requirements will be rejected.
Judging: Selected by the Awards Committee.
Deadline: The deadline is extended until March 30. The deadline for nominations is Sunday, March 23, 2025. Submissions received after the March 30 deadline will not be considered. The Midland ACS Local Section reserves the right to extend the nomination window. A notice of extension will be published on the Midland ACS website,
Submitting: Complete nomination packages should be submitted to Wendy Flory or Tami Sivy, Co-chairs, Midland Section ACS Awards Committee, E-mail: or or
All submissions must be accompanied by the name, position, address, and phone number of the nominator.
Electronic (e-mail) submissions are preferred. Mail or fax submissions are acceptable.